Dos and Don’ts for Back-to-School Season

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Most schools have either already started classes or are about to. With that being said, are you prepared for going back to school? Do you have everything you need?

To prepare yourself for the back-to-school season, here are our dos and don’ts.

3 Dos and Don’ts Before Going Back to School

  • Do map out your schedule and organize to-do lists.

Mapping out your schedule and organizing your to-do lists allows more control into your life. When you feel more in control and you ready yourself to get back into the school mindset, you’ll easily be able to adapt to your school’s environment.

  • Do plan out your goals for this school year.

When you set goals for yourself, you can start your school year on the right foot. You can map out steps that will let you achieve said goals, a schedule that aligns with your objectives, and have an overall productive school year.

  • Don’t sleep too late the night before class.

Most people end up sleeping late whether that be to enjoy their last night of freedom or simply because they’re too anxious for the next day. If you sleep late the night before class, you’ll end up feeling too tired to focus and start your year off strong. Take that sleepy mocktail, turn off that phone, and shut your eyes at 10 pm rather than 12.

The Takeaway

Going back to school isn’t as difficult or scary as one might think. This list of dos and don’ts should help you start your school year on the right foot. Goodluck!

By Moira Du

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