Frequently Asked Questions
Delve into our Frequently Asked Questions section to discover comprehensive answers to common queries. As a student-run non-profit, our mission is to provide accessible and high-quality online tutoring, empowering learners to thrive academically. Whether you’re seeking clarification on our services, wondering how to get involved, or simply curious about our approach, you’ll find all the information you need right here. Let’s embark on this educational journey together, fostering a community where knowledge knows no bounds.

We answer your most frequently asked questions
Is Connect Me free online tutoring a free service?
Yes! Our mission is to make a positive impact on our community through tutoring, so we’ll never charge you a dime for a session!
How does scheduling work?
As a client, you’ll tell us what days and times work for your student, and we’ll pair you with a tutor for at least 1 session/week who can accommodate the times that work for you. You’ll never have to change your schedule!
Do you offer just homework help?
Connect Me offers a variety of additional services alongside regular homework help. We can also help your student with test preparation, summer work, skipped topics due to emergency remote learning in COVID-19, or just any concepts the student needs extra assistance in!
What subjects do you offer tutoring in?
Each of our certified Connect Me tutors are trained in and can tutor all core subjects in grades K-8! So, whether it’s learning how to pronounce words or solving quadratic equations, we’ve got you covered!
Is tutoring 1 on 1 or group classes?
One of Connect Me’s best aspects is the vast amount of engagement between tutor and student. Tutoring is 1 on 1 so the tutor can best fit to the needs of the student and adapt to their specific needs. Additionally, tutors have cameras ON for maximum engagement!
Can exceptions be made to the grade range or subjects tutored?
Yes! We have many tutors who are skilled in a variety of subject areas, so we are able to accommodate certain exceptions for those who are not in grades K-8 or need tutoring in a special subject that is not a core subject. Contact us here if you have questions or a special request!
Is tutoring consistent (same day/time, same tutor)?
Absolutely, your tutor and days/times of your sessions will rarely ever change unless you want to make a change. We pride our consistency, meaning your child will have sessions on the same day each week with the same tutor. By having the same tutor, it builds a positive, encouraging relationship between tutor and student!
Where are tutoring sessions held?
All of our tutoring classes are all held through Zoom, but we’ve mastered the art of online tutoring! Our tutors have been trained to utilize various forms of Zoom technology, such as screen sharing, whiteboards, the chat, and reactions (to keep it fun!). We’ve tutored hundreds of hours, and are the best online tutoring on the market.
What are the requirements to be a student?
Students must fit at least one of three criteria to be eligible for tutoring:
a) Household income is 60k/year or less
b) Household has at least one essential worker parent/guardian, as defined by NCSL
c) Student is in virtual or hybrid school due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
What if a student misses a class?
We’re very flexible, and can accommodate for missed or rescheduled classes. If you can, let us know of cancellations ahead of time by emailing [email protected], calling 248-916-4100, or contacting your tutor.
What are the qualifications of Connect Me's tutors?
Prospective tutors endure a rigorous process in order to become a Connect Me tutor and begin teaching your child. They must first submit a detailed application, which will be scored. Then, they must pass a comprehensive interview before completing the mandatory orientation. Our rigorous application process brings only the best instructors to our students. 100% of our tutors have at least a 3.7 GPA (unweighted), and over 40% have a perfect 4.0 GPA.