Category: General

  • growth mindset

    October 17, 2023
    By Moira Du When you want to excel in something, most people would tell you to work hard; but some…
  • 2560px gofundme logo

    October 8, 2023
    By Diksha Lal Connect Me Free Tutoring & Mentoring is a nationwide nonprofit that pursues a mission to help students…
  • team 386673 1280

    September 25, 2023
    COMMUNICATION: THE KEY TO SUCCESS Everyone talks about communication and its importance but does everyone really understand why? More importantly,…
  • jason goodman oalh2mojuuk unsplash

    September 10, 2023
    Everyone can talk but there is a difference between talking and communicating. The problem with most people nowadays is they…
  • ian dooley dj7bwa gwks unsplash

    August 28, 2023
    Everything changes. To the average human, adapting to said change can be incredibly difficult. Fortunately, this article will help you…
  • firmbee com gcsnospexfs unsplash

    August 14, 2023
    Given the fast-paced, whirlwind of a world we live in, time management is an essential skill. We won’t delay further…
  • do not give up gb368c6d7e 1280

    July 29, 2023
    By Moira Du We’ve made it. You’ve gotten past half of the year. That means you only have around 6…
  • positive g0bf15409d 1280

    July 18, 2023
    By Moira Du You probably hear this all the time but you’re the only person who can make your dreams…
  • markus spiske qozzjpfz2lg unsplash

    June 18, 2023
    Leadership is what helps a society function. It provides necessary guidance and structure to communities. Without supervision, there would be…
  • img 7165

    June 17, 2023
    Connect Me has renewed its Executive Board and Board of Directors for the 2023-2024 season! The Board of Directors focuses…