Why join clubs and organizations?

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No one understands just how beneficial joining clubs and organizations may be for you. People have too many excuses not to join one that they end up not realizing what they’re missing out on. You’re too afraid, too busy with classes, or you won’t fit in. There are going to be a million reasons in your head on why you shouldn’t join. In this article, we’re going to show you 5 reasons why you should.

5 Reasons Why You Should Join Clubs and Organizations

  • Builds you a community

A club is a space where people can connect because of a shared interest. From crocheting to animal care to a sport, you’re going to find a community that accepts that interest and is also very willing to share and explore it. These shared interests are the root of deep connections and maybe even long-lasting friendships. Who knows? Maybe you attending a tennis club meeting will result in you finding your best friend.

  • Provides an outlet for your passions

Clubs and organizations are all about passion. Because it’s not a prerequisite or a requirement, most people join clubs out of interest and curiosity. There isn’t a lot of space in the academic area for every person’s passion but in an organization, the most obscure of passions can thrive. In organizations, you can build the skills necessary for your passion, further explore what you’re interested in, and strengthen your love for that particular interest.

  • Develops your leadership skills

Joining clubs doesn’t necessarily end at being a member. You might want to consider applying or running for a higher position. Doing so is a great opportunity for you to enhance your leadership skills. You’ll need to learn to not only work with a group of people but lead them as well. You’ll have to implement projects or plan fun meetings. It’s great exposure and an even better opportunity.

  • Great for networking

For clubs and organizations in college, it’s a great place for networking. You’re going to meet people from all around the world. You’re also going to have to attend events where you could be meeting professionals in the field of your passion. Why not take the opportunity to get to know people who could make a change in your future?

  • Boosts your academic performance

Most people assume that clubs and organizations will serve to be a distraction. You might end up focusing on your club too much and lose time for your academics. The thing is, these clubs are meant to enhance your school experience. If you do it right, they can even boost your academic performance. Joining organizations and clubs are perfect places to build interpersonal skills and other expertise as well as help you explore your interests. All these end up playing a key role in your academic performance. You just need to make sure that you manage your time well. If you want to learn more, we have several blog posts about time management and how you can improve this.

The Takeaway

With all this being said, there are tons of benefits to joining a club or organization. If you’re still on the fence, it’s best to just take the leap. If you end up not enjoying the club you’re in, you can always leave. If this does happen, don’t let it discourage you from other clubs! You’re going to find the perfect organization for you.

By Moira Du

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