Best Podcasts for Educators

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Sometimes, we need somebody to tell us what to do. No matter how long you’ve been working professionally in your field, you still have those days where you struggle to figure out what to do or how to improve. Whether you’re a professor, high school or pre-school teacher, or a peer tutor, there is always that room for improvement. What better way to figure out what to do in order to fill that room with improvement than by listening to podcasts by educators with tons of experience under their belt and different perspectives?

When you’re listening to a podcast, you often wonder why. What makes this podcast special? Who should you even listen to? In this article, we’ll go over the reasons behind why a podcast might be your next best bet and we’ve done the research for you. We’ve compiled a list of the top 3 best podcasts for educators. Ready? Let’s get into it.

Why should you listen to podcasts?

Podcasts are great for professional development. Beyond that, if you choose the right podcast, it’s an easy way to connect with an educator who will have a lot of knowledge on the topic. Most of the podcasts we’re going to be recommending today are done by reputable people. They’re worth listening to. Their experiences may be something you might want to hear.

Podcasts are also incredibly easy to access. There are tons of podcasts on platforms like Spotify or Apple Music. You can also listen to them for free on YouTube. It’s portable. The easy access is an incredible pro.

3 Best Podcasts for Educators

  1. The Creative Classroom with John Spencer

Ranked one of the top 10 education podcasts on large platforms like Apple Podcasts, The Creative Classroom with John Spencer is a podcast that will introduce you to certain innovative ideas that you might want to implement in your classroom or during your tutoring sessions. John Spencer says this podcast aims to help teachers “transform classrooms into spaces of creativity and wonder”.

  1. The Cult of Pedagogy

One of the most popular education podcasts in the world is called “The Cult of Pedagogy”. This podcast is hosted by Jennifer Gonzalez who is a great educator. She is fast-paced and talks about a variety of topics such as classroom strategies, the psychology behind teaching, how you can use technology to your advantage, and more. If we had any podcast we’d like you to start with, this is a great option.

  1. The EdTech Podcast

The EdTech podcast is a storytelling podcast that focuses mainly on education and technology. Tons of reviews online mention positive things about this podcast. Most listeners love the guests that come onto this podcast, the interviews and how intuitive they are, and the perspectives that the hosts give to the listeners every episode. This is definitely a brainy one.

The Takeaway

Podcasts are great tools for any tutor or educator that might want to improve their craft. Learning from the greats aren’t as impossible anymore, not with the help of technology and podcasts that make their voice more accessible to the average Joe.

By Moira Du

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