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By Moira Du

We’ve made it. You’ve gotten past half of the year. That means you only have around 6 months left before 2024. It’s a big congrats to you but, it also begs the question: what have you achieved so far? More importantly, what else can you achieve for the rest of the year?

What have you achieved so far?

Create and compile a list of everything you consider an achievement. No matter how big or how small, pat yourself on the back and be proud. You’ve made a lot of progress. You’ve grown as a person. If you think your list is too short and you could have done more, use that and turn it into an “ok-what-can-I-do” mindset rather than beating yourself up for it. 

This list is not meant to intimidate you. Rather, it’s meant to help you realize you’ve achieved so much but, you still have room for improvement. Through this list, you can figure out what else you can achieve for the rest of the year.

How can you keep achieving?

The difficult part then is to keep yourself motivated after the first 6 months have passed by. Yes, it can be intimidating that you have 6 more months to go but, it can also be exciting. Who knows what the rest of the year can hold for you? With that said, let’s take a look at how you can keep yourself motivated.

  1. Have a routine.

Having a routine will help you have structure in your life. In feeling more in control, you’ll be calmer and have better time management. Create a routine where you factor in your daily tasks. Don’t be afraid, however, to deviate from your routine from time to time should something unexpected come up.

  1. List down your short-term and long-term goals.

Listing down goals is a great way to keep yourself motivated. Write down your goals in a notebook or journal, on a whiteboard, or wherever you want. Use this to motivate you, to help you see the end of the line. Try to be as specific and detailed as possible. How do you plan on achieving these goals? In how long should you have accomplished said goal?

  1. Maintain a positive mindset.

Finally, maintain a positive mindset. When you have a go-getter/it-is-what-it-is mindset, you’re more likely to be able to take a beating and get back up again. No matter how difficult your journey is, remind yourself the reasons why you’re doing this, what you want to see out of this, and keep yourself positive. Yes, this will make things a lot more difficult but that’s the thing. It will simply be difficult, NOT impossible.

The Takeaway

You have the rest of the year to improve yourself even further and achieve the goals you’ve set out for yourself. It’s only a matter of time before you become THAT person. All you need is a little self-motivation and a ton of work hard but don’t worry, you’re getting there. We hope you found this blog post helpful. Check out our website for more!

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