Blog Posts

Discipline And How It Can Be Used
Reading Time: 2:30 min
Sometimes when we hear the word discipline, we think of punishments or consequences. However, that is not all discipline is.…

Recognition – Senator Jim Runestad
Reading Time: 0:33 min
On September 8th, 2021, Connect Me received a letter of recognition from Michigan Senator Jim Runestad! This is an incredible…

September Trait of the Month: Discipline
Reading Time: 1:17 min
Discipline is an interesting word- rooted from the Latin word disiplinia- meaning “instruction and training” but more so obtained from…

Connect Me Has Launched Mobile Apps
Reading Time: 0:24 min
Connect Me Tutoring is now on mobile, including both the iOS & Android versions! On our app, you can sign…

Honesty and How It Can Be Used – August Trait of the Month
Reading Time: 2:55 min
How do we always choose to do the right thing? Well, we can’t. It’s very difficult to always choose the…

August Trait of the Month: Honesty
Reading Time: 3:19 min
So, as a new month rolls around, so does a new trait. The trait for August this year is Honesty—but…

University of Michigan (AA) College Admissions Officer Webinar
Reading Time: 0:29 min
Connect Me is holding a College Admissions Officer webinar on Thursday, August 5th, from 6-7 pm EST, featuring University of…

Reading Time: 2:45 min
While sometimes cooperating may be tough, the use of cooperation is essential in order to work well with others. Cooperation…

July Trait of the Month: Cooperation
Reading Time: 1:28 min
As people get older, they learn many traits that can help benefit them throughout their lifetime. One of them being…