July Trait of the Month: Cooperation


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As people get older, they learn many traits that can help benefit them throughout their lifetime. One of them being cooperation. Cooperation is defined as when individuals work together, complying, in order to achieve the same possible goal. Cooperation is a good soft skill because this shows you know how to work with people. Sometimes you have to work with someone you don’t get along with or you have a big project coming up that you need to work in a group with- in situations like these, being cooperative can help achieve greatness. Now sometimes cooperation is difficult to pursue, whether it may be you’re stubborn or the team mate that you’re working with isn’t cooperative themself. Don’t worry! This is not an impossible obstacle to overcome. First, if you come into contact with someone who is constantly offering ideas or plans your team can use and you don’t agree with them, take a step back ! Consider their request and see how you can fit it in. If we are clouded by our own judgment, sometimes we don’t see how great other people’s ideas can be. Now if you’re dealing with someone who refuses to cooperate (do their fair share, ignore requests, etc), talk it out with them. Express your feelings and see if their actions change. If not, talk it out with a supervisor and see their input or if they can help. Remember, other people’s cooperation is not always your responsibility so don’t stress too much if others won’t listen. Just from your own perspective, make sure to comply and work together as much as possible for the best possible outcome of the task at hand.

By Nabiha Hoque

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